Rust Type Coercion and the Dot Operator Explained

on 2023-04-21

What is a type coercion?

So, what exactly is type coercion and why should we care about it?

Type coercion is simply an implicit type conversion. You might have seen implicit type conversions in many other languages, such as C++. In C++, when you write int a = 4 + 5.2;, two type coercion occurs. One happens on the operator +, from int to double. Another takes place on the assignment =, from double to int.

In Rust, you can perform explicit type conversion using the type cast operator as. Any conversions allowed by coercion can also be explicitly performed by as, but not vice versa. You have to write let a: i32 = ((4 as f64) + 5.2) as i32; to achieve the equivalent of the above example, as type coercion does not work here.

Getting to know type coercion can enable you to write idiomatic Rust code and help you understand how other code works. Let's get started exploring different coercions and where they can occur.

Exploring different coercions

There isn't a formal definition of all coercions yet, and the reason for this is well explained in this blog1. I will do my best to provide appropriate examples to help you understand what does each coercion means.

Transitive coercions

Rule: if A -> B and B -> C is possible, then A -> C is also possible

Note that this is not fully supported yet, and is currently a best-effort feature.

Reference downgrade coercions

Rule: &mut T -> &T

A mutable reference can downgrade to an immutable reference. Let's take a look at an example:

fn takes_shared_ref(_n: &i32) {}

fn main() {
    let mut a = 10;
    takes_shared_ref(&mut a);

The example is quite clear, and what it does behind the scenes is that the takes_shared_ref(&mut a); will be de-sugared to a re-borrow takes_shared_ref(&*(&mut a));.

One thing to note is that in the above example, even though the mutable reference is dropped upon re-borrow, its lifetime does not ended2. Let's take a look at another example:

fn downgrade_to_shared_ref(n: &i32) -> &i32 {

fn main() {
    let mut a = 10;
    let b = downgrade_to_shared_ref(&mut a);
    let c = &a;
    dbg!(b, c);

This results in the following error:

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `a` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
 --> src/
7 |     let b = downgrade_to_shared_ref(&mut a);
  |                                     ------ mutable borrow occurs here
8 |     let c = &a;
  |             ^^ immutable borrow occurs here
9 |     dbg!(b, c);
  |          - mutable borrow later used here

So even though the mutable reference has been downgraded to an immutable reference, the borrow checker still considers its lifetime as not ended. This might seem strange, but it actually guarantees memory safety.

Consider the following code:

use std::sync::Mutex;

struct Struct {
    mutex: Mutex<String>

fn main() {
    let mut s = Struct {
        mutex: Mutex::new("string".to_owned())
    let str_mut: &mut str = s.mutex.get_mut().unwrap();
    let str_shared: &str = str_mut; // if str_mut's lifetime end here, the code compiles

    *s.mutex.lock().unwrap() = "str_shared becomes a dangling pointer".to_owned();


This also results in the same error:

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `s.mutex` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
  --> src/
11 |     let str_mut: &mut str = s.mutex.get_mut().unwrap();
   |                             ----------------- mutable borrow occurs here
14 |     *s.mutex.lock().unwrap() = "str_shared becomes a dangling pointer".to_owned();
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
15 |
16 |     dbg!(str_shared);
   |          ---------- mutable borrow later used here

If str_mut's lifetime ended when it was downgraded, the code would compile, and a dangling pointer would be introduced.

Deref coercions


  • if T implements Deref<Target=U>
    • &T -> &U
    • &mut T -> &U (transitive)
  • if T implements DerefMut<Target=U>
    • &mut T -> &mut U

Your type can opt in these coercions by implementing the Deref or DerefMut trait.

pub trait Deref {
    type Target: ?Sized;

    pub fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

pub trait DerefMut: Deref {
    pub fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target;

Having deref coercions enables us to use containers transparently as the type they contain (e.g. smart pointers), here's an example for Box<String>.

fn count(s: &str) -> usize {

fn main() {
    let a: Box<String> = Box::new("hello, world".to_string());
    println!("{}", count(&a))

The simple example above contains two deref coercions:

  • &Box<String> -> &String (Box<String> implements Deref<Target=String>)
  • &String -> &str (String implements Deref<Target=str>)

Another thing to note is that &mut T -> &U coercion calls deref instead of deref_mut (you might think of &mut T --deref_mut--> &mut U --downgrade--> &U, which is not the case), for example:

use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};

struct My(i32);

impl Deref for My {
    type Target = i32;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        Box::leak(Box::new(self.0 + 1))

impl DerefMut for My {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        Box::leak(Box::new(self.0 + 10))

fn use_ref(a: &i32) {
    println!("use_ref {}", a);

fn main() {
    use_ref(&mut My(10)); // prints `use_ref 11`

Raw pointer coercions

Rule: *mut T -> *const T

Similar to Reference downgrade coercions, pointers can also be downgraded.

Reference & raw pointer coercions


  • &T -> *const T
  • &mut T -> *mut T

This is useful when you want to pass a reference to a C function.

Function pointer coercions

Rule: Closures without any captured variables can coerce to function pointers.


fn call_with(f: fn(i32) -> i32, a: i32) {
    println!("{}", f(a))

fn main() {
    call_with(|x| x * 2, 10)

Subtype coercions

Rule: T -> U if T is a subtype of U

Besides parametric polymorphism, Rust also supports subtype polymorphism, but only for lifetimes (maybe it should be called sub-time).

The gist of sub-typing in Rust is that if 'a outlives 'b, then &'a T is a subtype of &'b T (the longer-lived lifetime is the subtype, and the shorter-lived one is the super type).

The coercions means that lifetimes can be shortened at coercion sites, for example:

fn shorten_lifetime<'a>(a: &'a str) {
    println!("{}", a)

fn lengthen_lifetime(a: &'static str) {
    println!("{}", a)

fn main() {

    // let local = "local".to_string();
    // lengthen_lifetime(&local)

If we uncomment the last two lines, results in error:

error[E0597]: `local` does not live long enough
  --> src/
13 |     lengthen_lifetime(&local)
   |     ------------------^^^^^^-
   |     |                 |
   |     |                 borrowed value does not live long enough
   |     argument requires that `local` is borrowed for `'static`
14 | }
   | - `local` dropped here while still borrowed

To support both parametric and subtype polymorphism, we need to answer how generic types' sub-typing relationships relate to the sub-typing relationships of their generic parameters. Well, the answer is called variance.

  • Covariance: for some type A<T>, if T is a subtype of U, A<T> is a subtype of A<U>.
fn covariance<'a, 'b, T>(a: Vec<&'a T>) -> Vec<&'b T>
    // 'a is a subtype of 'b
    // then Vec<&'a T> is a subtype of Vec<&'b T>
    'a: 'b,
  • Contravariance: for some type A<T>, if T is a subtype of U, A<U> is a subtype of A<T>.
fn contravariance<'a, 'b, T>(a: fn(&'b T) -> ()) -> fn(&'a T) -> ()
    // 'a is a subtype of 'b
    // then fn(&'b T) -> () is a subtype of fn(&'a T) -> ()
    'a: 'b,
  • Invariance: for some type A<T>, no sub-typing relationship exists between A<T> and any other type A<U>.

Never coercions

Rule: ! -> T

Never type can coerce into any type, this is especially useful when using macros like unimplemented!, todo!.

Unsized coercions

Slice coercions

Rule: [T; n] -> [T]


fn main() {
    let a: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let b: &[i32] = &a;
    println!("{:?}", b);

Trait object coercions

Rule: T -> dyn U (when T implements U + Sized, and U is object safe)


trait Countable {
    fn count(&self) -> usize;

impl<T, const N: usize> Countable for [T; N] {
    fn count(&self) -> usize {

impl<T> Countable for Vec<T> {
    fn count(&self) -> usize {

fn print_count(ctb: &dyn Countable) {
    println!("{}", ctb.count());

fn main() {
    print_count(&[1, 2, 3]);
    print_count(&vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);

Trailing unsized coercions

Rule: Foo<..., T, ...> to Foo<..., U, ...>, when:

  • Foo is a struct.
  • T implements Unsize<U>.
  • The last field of Foo has a type involving T.
  • If that field has type Bar<T>, then Bar<T> implements Unsized<Bar<U>>.
  • T is not part of the type of any other fields.


struct Foo<T: ?Sized> {
    header: usize,
    value: T,

fn main() {
    let foo_array: Foo<[u8; 4]> = Foo {
        header: 0,
        value: [0, 1, 2, 3],
    let foo_slice_ref: &Foo<[u8]> = &foo_array;

Least upper bound coercions

In some cases, Rust needs to perform coercions for multiple types at once. This coercion can be triggered by:

  • A series of if/else branches.
  • A series of match arms.
  • A series of array elements.
  • A series of returns in a closure.
  • A series of returns in a function.

We say a set of types T_0..T_n are to be mutually coerced to some target type T_t. This is computed iteratively, the target type T_t begins as the type T_0. For each new type T_i, we do:

  • If T_i can be coerced to the current target type T_t, then no change is made.
  • Otherwise, check whether T_t can be coerced to T_i;
    • if so, the T_t is changed to T_i. (This check is also conditioned on whether all of the source expressions considered thus far have implicit coercions.)
    • If not, try to compute a mutual supertype of T_t and T_i, which will become the new target type.

Coercion sites

Coercions can happen in many places in Rust, here are some of them:

  • Variable declarations: done with let, const or static. If type is annotated on the left hand side of the declaration, the compiler will check if the right hand side can be coerced to the type on the left hand side.
let a: &str = &Box::new("abc".to_string()); // &Box<String> -> &String -> &str
let b: &[i32] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; // &[i32; 4] -> &[i32]
  • Function parameters: where the actual parameter is coerced into the type of the formal parameter. In method calls, the receiver type (self) is only able to use unsized coercions (explained at The dot operator).
  • Function results
use std::fmt::Display;
fn foo(x: &u32) -> &dyn Display {
  • Struct/union/enum fields: where the actual type is coerced into the formal type defined in the definition of the struct.
struct Foo<'a> {
    x: &'a i8,
    y: &'a str,

fn main() {
    let y = &Box::new("abc".to_string());
    let a = Foo {
        x: &mut 42,
    println!("{:?}", a);
  • Unsized coercions only: the followings are valid only for unsized coercions (where U can be obtained from T by unsized coercions)
    • &T -> &U
    • &mut T -> &mut U
    • *const T -> *const U
    • *mut T -> *mut U
    • Box<T> -> Box<U>

The dot operator

There's a lot of magics behind the dot operator. It will perform auto-referencing, auto-dereferencing, and unsized coercions until it finds a method that matches the receiver type.

Suppose we have a function foo that has a receiver (a self, &self or &mut self parameter). Now, we call where value is of type T. The compiler will try to find a method foo that matches the type T by performing the following steps:

  • By value: try to match the receiver type T directly against the method receiver type. Note we are NOT trying to find a T::foo method here, we are trying to find a foo which has a receiver type T.
  • Autoref: try to match the receiver type &T or &mut T (former has higher priority) against the method receiver type.
  • If none of the above worked, it dereferences T and tries again.
    • if T: Deref<Target=U> then it tries again with type U instead of T
    • if it can't dereference T, it also try unsizing T

Let's try to understand this with an example:

let array: Rc<Box<[T; 3]>> = ...;
let first_entry = array[0];

How does the compiler actually compute array[0] when the array is behind so many indirections?

  • First, array[0] is just syntax sugar for the Index trait, it will be de-sugared into array.index(0).
pub trait Index<Idx>
    Idx: ?Sized,
    type Output: ?Sized;

    fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output;
  • (By value) Then, the compiler checks if any method that matches the receiver type Rc<Box<T; 3>> exists. It doesn't.
  • (Autoref) Neither does &Rc<Box<T; 3>> or &mut Rc<Box<T; 3>>.
  • (Deref) the compiler dereferences Rc<Box<T; 3>> to Box<T; 3>.
  • (By value & Autoref) Box<T; 3> and it's autorefs don't match any method receiver type.
  • (Deref) the compiler dereferences Box<T; 3> to [T; 3].
  • (By value & Autoref) [T; 3] and it's autorefs don't match any method receiver type.
  • (Unsizing) [T; 3] can't be dereferenced, so compiler unsizes it, giving [T].
  • Finally, the compiler find a method index that matches the receiver type [T] and calls it.

Let's take a look at another example3:

fn do_stuff<T: Clone>(value: &T) {
    let cloned = value.clone();

What's the type of cloned? Well, let's take a look at our candidate methods:

impl Clone for T { // indicated by the `T: Clone` bound
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;
impl Clone for &T { // standard library impl
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;

We can easily see that the first one is matched by value, so the type of cloned is T.

What would happen if the T: Clone bound is removed? Well, the first candidate will be removed, and the second one will be matched by autoref. So the type of cloned will be &T.

Note that the candidate method could be inherent (derived from the type of the receiver itself) or extension (derived from a trait that the receiver implements). And inherent methods have higher priority than extension methods. Let's take a look at this example:

struct MyStruct(i32);

impl MyStruct {
    fn hello(&mut self) -> () { // change to &self will print "inherent 10"
        println!("inherent {}", self.0)

trait MyTrait {
    fn hello(&self) -> ();
impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
    fn hello(&self) -> () {
        println!("extension {}", self.0)

fn main() {
    let a = MyStruct(10);
    a.hello(); // prints "extension 10"

The above code prints trait 10 because the &MyStruct has higher priority than &mut MyStruct when it comes to method resolution. However, if we change the first hello method receiver type to &self, the compiler will print impl 10 because inherent methods have higher priority than extension methods.

1 Blog: What Can Coerce, and Where, in Rust

2 Blog: Common Rust Lifetime Misconceptions

3 The Rustonomicon: The Dot Operator

4 The Rust Reference: Type coercions

5 Rust language RFC 0401

6 Rust language RFC 1558

7 The Rustonomicon: Coercions

8 Effective Rust: Understand type conversions